Modern OpenAPI Tooling for the entire API Lifecycle

Step into the future of API tooling with this video Phil Sturgeon recorded for Treblle's Hacktoberfest called "Modern OpenAPI Tooling."

Modern OpenAPI Tooling for the entire API Lifecycle

Step into the future of API tooling with this video Phil Sturgeon recorded for Treblle's Hacktoberfest called "Modern OpenAPI Tooling."

We're covering OpenAPI tooling that can help you out with every part of the API lifecycle. If you're not sure what any of that means, dive into the video and we'll get it all covered!

Let us know what you think in the comments. If you'd like a deep-dive on any of these particular tools let us know.

We have also covered a few Open API Topics recently:

Generate a TypeScript REST API client with Fern
Generate TypeScript client code easily with Fern, an automated tool that builds SDKs for major languages, Postman Collections, and OpenAPI definitions. Avoid the slow and brittle manual process, and publish directly to package repositories like NPM.
Turn HTTP Traffic into OpenAPI with Optic
Capture real HTTP traffic from production or anywhere else, and create OpenAPI from it, for documentation, mocks, SDKs, or contract testing.
Contract Testing a Laravel API with OpenAPI
Your API does a bunch of great stuff, and your OpenAPI document tells everyone about all the great stuff that your API can do, but making sure those two sources of truth agree can be a bit of a struggle at first. Whether you followed the API design-first workflow and
Securing APIs with the Spectral OWASP Ruleset
Recently I’ve been on a run of making new all powerful Spectral rulesets, but so far it’s been focused on the concept of automating style guides, with the concrete example of the APIs You Won’t Hate: API Style Guide showing how it can be done with NPM and tested with