Spotlight Studio in Swagger Hub?

In this edition of the newsletter: HTTP 0.9, Fastify, SwaggerHub & Stoplight Studio, Fetch in Framer, and more!

Spotlight Studio in Swagger Hub?

If we have all learnt anything over the past few weeks, it's how good Australia is at breakdancing. As a fellow Aussie, I felt very proud of how many medals we snagged in the Olympics despite our small population.

Sport aside, Smartbear recently gave SwaggerHub a facelift by shoving the Stoplight editor in there. It's great to see the experience improved, but I can't help but listen to that little voice in the back of my head asking what this means for Stoplight in the future.

Maybe I am worrying for no reason, but we will see.

-- Alexander

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The API Round-Up

Stoplight in SwaggerHub

SwaggerHub has new features, including the Stoplight editor with OAS, API Template, and API Domain form-based editing. Check out this video from Frank Kilcommins for all the details.

HTTP/0.9 From Scratch

This is the first blog in a series focusing on building each major version of the HTTP protocol in Go. APIs are built on top of HTTP, so if you want to solidify your understanding, look no further. A post for HTTP versions 0.9 and 1.0 are already out.

How To Generate an OpenAPI Spec With Fastify

Fastify, a web framework inspired by Express and Hapi, is my go-to framework for building Node API's. Speakeasy talks us through using Fastify to generate your OpenAPI spec. The tutorial then takes it further by using Speakeasy to generate client SDKs for your API based on the spec you generated.

Using OpenAPI to Document the API Operations You Consume

Bruno shares an interesting take on using OpenAPI for more than documenting your API. The idea is to use the OpenAPI spec to describe how you consume one or several API operations. It's a different viewpoint, but I wonder if the author knew about the Arazzo spec.

Microcks Spectral ruleset

Microcks (a mocking tool) has built a spectral ruleset (an OpenAPI/API linting tool) to help you build OpenAPI docs that'll work nicely in their mocking tool. The style guide is more than just opinions; it can also push people towards compatibility with particular tooling.

Fetch in Framer

Framer has released a new feature allowing you to add APIs directly to your Framer site without writing any code. Adding dynamic data from any API to your site this easily is pretty impressive. Building sites just got a lot easier.

OpenAPI, Swagger and Spring Boot REST APIs

A handy guide on adding OpenAPI to a Spring Boot Rest API, giving you access to Swagger UI and better testing options. Swagger UI is not as friendly as modern tooling, but Spring Boot seems to favour it.

Speakeasy: Build APIs Your Users Love

Your API deserves a great developer experience. Get one by using Speakeasy to generate idiomatic, type-safe SDKs from OpenAPI

Start Generating

APIs You Won't Hate

The latest from the team at API's You Won't Hate.

🎙️ A product to prevent billing nightmares

We've all woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, worried about a rogue serverless function resulting in an outrageous AWS bill. In this episode of the Podcast, Alex Klarfeld, founder and CEO of, shares the product's origin story. Supergood is out to help teams track API spend in real-time—something we can all get behind.

From Our Community

Articles written and shared in our free Slack community.

Effective API Error Handling

Hedley reached out to our community for input on this article. We love seeing you all working together and sharing learnings. Hedley discusses the importance of robust API error handling to enhance API reliability and user experience—a detailed overview covering error responses, status codes and error messages.

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Thanks so much to our members: Al N, Kin L, Juxt, Vedran C, Alex R, Nolan S, Frank, James D, Bill D, and Ali S. Your support means the world to us!

Until next time,

Alexander, Phil & Mike